概括介绍了有机果品、绿色果品的概念和有机果品在国外广受关注的发展状况。较具体地综述了国外有机葡萄生产中的病、虫、草害和土壤管理技术。例如 ,病虫害防治主要使用铜制剂和硫制剂 ,以及一些容易降解、对环境没有危害的天然物质 ;土壤管理及杂草防除方法多采用生草栽培或覆盖有机质等方法 ,既可增加土壤肥力 。
The concepts of organic fruit and green fruit and the situation of organic fruit developmenr in foreign countries are introduced. The techniques used to control diseases, pests and weeds in organic grape production in foreign countries are summarized in comparative detail. For example, thepreparations of copper and sulfur and some natural materials that are easily degraded and have no harm to environment are mainly used to prevent and control grape diseases and pests. And the methods such as sod culture and organic matter mulching are often used in order to improve soil fertility and control weeds.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai