目的 评价肘管综合征的外科治疗方法及预后。方法 1994~2002年共收治肘管综合征患者31例,全部行肘管松解、尺神经皮下前移术,其中12例同时行尺神经外膜松解术。结果 对术前分级标准相同的25例经手术治疗的肘管综合征患者(其中9例同时行尸神经外膜松解术),经6个月到8年随访,症状完全缓解11例,部分缓解9例,有所改善5例。结论 保守治疗无效的肘管综合征患者应早期手术治疗,尺神经外膜松解加神经前移术可获得良好效果。
Objective To study the surgical treatment and prognosis of cubital tunnel syndrome. Methods
Thirty - one patients of cubital tunnel syndrome were treated from 1994 to 2002. All were treated by anterior subcutaneous
transposition of the ulnar nerve, 12 of them got decompression of neurilemma simultaneously. Results 25 cases with
same grade by McGowan's staging system were followed up from 6 months to 8 years after surgical treatments complete
resolution of symptoms happened in 11 cases,9 got general resolution, 5 improved, none of them got worse. Conclusions
Patients of cubital tunnel syndrome should have surgical treatments early when there are persistent symptoms after con-
servative treatments, and the subcutaneous ulnar nerve transposition with decompression of neurilemma can be a success-
ful technique and can get satisfactory results.
Chinse Journal Of Bone Tumor And Bone Disease