20 0 2年 3~ 7月记录杭州城区 2 4个城市行道树带中繁殖鸟类和鸟巢数量 ,估测或实测树带特征值 ,并以多元逐步回归法揭示其间关系。共记录到鸟类 13种 ,鸟巢 4 6 0个 ;白头鹎和集群繁殖的夜鹭、池鹭、牛背鹭的鸟巢数量占总巢数的 83 9%。乌鸫、夜鹭等 5种鸟倾向于在高树上筑巢 ,因此 ,整个鸟类群落的巢数随平均树高增加而增加。同样的正向联系还出现在下列变量之间 :①叶高多样性与白腰文鸟和珠颈斑鸠巢数 ;②树冠盖度与白头鹎巢数 ;③树种数与珠颈斑鸠巢数 ;④树洞数与麻雀巢数 ;⑤至大片林地的距离与白腰文鸟巢数 ;⑥至主要水源距离与夜鹭巢数 ;⑦树带宽度与珠颈斑鸠巢数。另一方面 ,多数鸟类避免在行人容易接近的树带筑巢 ,而以白头鹎和珠颈斑鸠为显著。城市行道树带鸟巢的分布存在一定程度的种间差异 ,反映了鸟类不同的适应策略。
Data on birds and their nests were collected in 24 street tree strips in Hangzhou,China,in the breeding season from March to July 2002,and the relationship between the nest number (NN) and some eigenvalues of the strips was shown by multiple stepwise regression.Thirteen species and their 460 nests in total were observed.Of the nests,83 9% were built by Pycnonotus sinensis and some colonial breeding species including Nycticorax nycticorax , Ardeola bacchus and Bubulcus ibis .Five species including Turdus poliocephalus , N nycticorax ,etc.tended to build nests at tall trees,and the nests for the whole bird community increased with the mean tree height.More positive relations appeared between:① the foliage height diversity and NN of Lonchura striata and Streptopelia chinensis ,② canopy cover and NN of Pycnonotus sinensis ,③ tree species numbers and NN of S chinensis ,④ tree hole numbers and NN of Passer montanusand ,⑤ the distance to large woodland and NN of Lonchura striata ,⑥ the distance to nearest main water resource and NN of N nycticorax ,⑦ tree strip width and NN of S chinensis .On the other hand,most bird species avoided the tree strip easily approached by pedestrian,and P sinensis and S chinensis were the most sensitive.There are some differences between species in the nest distributions in the tree strips,reflecting their different way of adaptation.
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 0 0 70 13 1)
Breeding bird
Bird nest
Street tree strip
Influencing factor