Apache是Internet上最流行的web服务器,它稳定、高效、安全、跨平台,足以胜任绝大部分商业、政府机关、教育界搭建网络平台的需要。本文从实际应用出发,对于Apache中虚拟主机的高级设置,Linux环境下Apache对Asp (active server page)技术的支持进行了详细地介绍。同时鉴于Apache新版的新特性,对以Apache为平台的站点的性能优化详加阐述。
Apache is the most popular web server to construct the web sites. It is very stable, effective, secure and independent of platform, and it is capable of most of the need to establish the web site. I based this article on the practice and application, explaining the advanced configuration of the virtual host, the particular support of the ASP technology and the efficient optimization of the performance in detail.
Microcomputer Applications