中国儒家管理思想博大精深,其中注重人和、力倡道德;强调修身,刚健有为;德法并用,尊贤善听;崇高理 想、天人协调等等。是儒家文化的基本精神和标记所在。今天,批判地继承儒家的管理思想,对于建立和完善社会主义市场经济,促进现代社会的管理具有重要的现实意义。
Chinese Confucian Management Ideology is broad and deep, among which as are the basic spirit and symbols; attention is paid to support of people; morality is advocated and cultivated; being vigorous and promising is reinforced, so are the use of morality and law together, respecting worthy people and being good at listening and the harmonization between Heaven and human being and so on. Today, it is practically meaningful to critically inherit Confucian management ideology for building up and perfecting socialist market economy and promoting the management in modern society.
the Confucianists
Management Ideology
Modern values