为了提高油层动用程度 ,辽河油田采取了以合理划分与组合开发层系为基础 ,以同井分层注水为主 ,分层监测、分层改造、分层堵水工艺技术相结合的一整套分层开采技术 ,有效地发挥了多油层的生产能力。实现了老油藏连续多年采油速度高于 2 % ,已采出可采储量的 6 7% 。
In order to increase reservoir producing degree and productivity of multiple reservoirs, based on effective separation and combination of the layer series of development, oil production plants were for many years practicing zonal production technique which gave priority to zonal injection, zonal monitoring and testing, zonal stimulation and separate zone water shutoff. Actual practice indicated that in the maturing field, the rate of oil production exceeded 2 % in many successive years, accumulatived up to 67 % of the recoverable reserve, and a satisfied development result can be realized by slowing down the production decline rate.
Liaoning Chemical Industry