目的 了解洪灾后创伤性应激障碍的现状及其影响因素。方法 用美国《精神障碍的诊断统计手册》第四版 (MSD -Ⅳ )中对于PTSD的诊断标准对洪灾区人群进行PTSD评定。结果 洪灾后PTSD检出率为 3 0 9%,其主要的影响因素为性别 (OR =2 3 2 ) ,年龄 (OR =1 83 ) ,洪灾类型 (OR =3 71)和对支持的满意度 (OR =0 84)。结论 PTSD在我国洪灾的受灾群体中是一种常见的不容忽视的现象 。
Objective In order to explore the incidence of PTSD and its risk factors after flood. Methods Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Ⅳ Edition) was used to examine and diagnose the victims in flood district. Results The positive rate of PTSD was 30 9%.The results of logistic regression analysis showed that sex(OR=2 32), age (OR=1 83),style of flood (OR=3 71)and dissatisfaction for sustaining (OR=0 84)were risk factors. Conclusions PTSD is a common mental disorder after flood in our country. Preventive measures should be taken to protect population from PTSD in flood district.
Journal of Chinese Physician
美国中华医学基金会资助项目 (CMB98- 689)