研究从重水中分离出T2 .首先 ,根据光谱常数导出氢同位素双原子分子ExtendedRydberg的分析函数 ,基于同位素效应计算OT(X2 Пi)的光谱常数 ,有助导出三原子分子 ,如DTO的解析势能函数 .将这些ExtendedRyd berg解析势能函数用于氘交换分离氚的热力学与分子反应动力学研究 .此外 ,由同位素位移极值得到当振动量子数vmax≈ 11.5 ,振动能级间隔△Ev(H2 )≈△Ev(T2 ) ,若v <vmax,△Ev(H2 ) >△Ev(T2 )和v>vmax时 ,△Ev(H2 ) <△Ev(T2 ) .因而 ,温度较低时 ,平衡移向T2 ;温度较高时 ,平衡移向H2 .与文献结果相似 。
The first step is to derive the Extended Rydberg (ER) function for hydrogen isotopic molecules using spectroscopic data and to calculate the spectroscopic data of OT(X(2)Pi(i)) based on the isotopic effect. Then, it will be possible to have the potential energy functions of triatomics, such as DTO. These ER functions will be used to study thermodynamics and molecular dynamics for the separation of T-2 from heavy water. In addition, It is found from the maximum of isotopic shift that DeltaE(v) (H-2)approximate toDeltaE(v) (T-2) at the vibration quantum number v(max)approximate to11.5, DeltaE(v) (H-2)>DeltaE(v) (T-2) if v<v(max) and &UDelta;E-v (H-2)<DeltaE(v) (T-2) if v>v(max). Therefore, the equilibrium will move to heavy isotopic at the lower temperature and to light isotopic at the higher temperature. This result is in agreement with that of reference with different methods.
SupportedbytheScienceandTechnologyProjectofChinaAcademyofEngineeringPhysics (2 0 0 30 86 7
0 3H377)