

The Preciseness and Flexibility in the Translation of China’s Political Documents——Taking the Spanish Version of the Report to the 19th CPC National Congress as an Example
摘要 翻译被比喻为戴着镣铐的舞蹈,因为翻译既要完整表达作者的意图又要充分满足读者的阅读期待。中央文献是一种政治色彩鲜明的特殊文体,对译文的准确性、严肃性和权威性有着较高的要求。作为中央文献的译者,如何做到'收放自如'地兼顾内容的忠实可信和表达的自然通顺是一个值得探讨的问题。对笔者而言,'收'就是严谨、准确、完整地传达原文的意思和内涵,而'放'指的是适当灵活地处理语言以求符合外语的表达规范和外国读者的阅读习惯。本文以十九大报告的西班牙文译本为例,简要分析了中央文献翻译的基本原则和几个常用策略,希望对从事中译外工作的读者有所启发和帮助。 Translation is compared to dance with shackles,which means it has to not only express completely the author’s intention but also fully satisfy the reader’s expectation of reading. As a special style of writing with distinct political complexion,the CPC documents have high requirements on the accuracy,solemnity and authority of the translation. It is worth discussing how can a translator of CPC documents maintain the balance between the credible faithfulness of the content and the natural smoothness of the expression. For me,the'preciseness'means to convey the meaning and connotation of the original text in a precise, accurate and complete way, while the'flexibility'means to properly and flexibly handle the language in order to conform to the norms of the foreign language and the reading habits of foreign readers. Taking the Spanish version of the report to the 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as an example,this paper briefly analyses the basic principles and several common strategies of the CPC documents translation,in the hope of inspiring and helping the readers who are engaged in the translation from Chinese to foreign languages.
作者 胡玥宁 Hu Yuening
出处 《译苑新谭》 2018年第2期25-30,共6页 New Perspectives in Translation Studies
关键词 中央文献翻译 翻译原则和策略 党的十九大报告 CPC documents translation translation principles and strategies the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
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