
不忘初心 方得始终——论政治文献翻译初译的标准

Never Forget Why You Started and You Can Accomplish Your Mission——About the Standards of the First Translation Draft of Party Documents
摘要 参与十九大报告翻译工作后感触良多,作为参与者感到使命光荣、责任重大。党的重要文献经过我们翻译传遍全球,引起很大反响,我们作为参与者感到无比自豪。但是作为中国译者要克服目的语非母语的困难,完成一篇较高质量的译文,还有很多注意之处。初译是译文从无到有的过程,可以说是翻译流程中极其重要的部分。初译作者心中要有一个标准,有了标准才有努力方向,方向决定道路,只有方向正确才能够引领外翻事业成功。 I felt quite honored of being able to participate in the translation of the report to the 19th National Congress of the CPC,which also put a heavy responsibility on me. We,as translators,were very proud that important documents of the Party were disseminated around the globe and aroused worldwide echoes after being translated by us. Drawing on this experience,I believe that Chinese translators should pay attention to many aspects in order to deliver a high-quality translation through overcoming the difficulty caused by the fact that the target language is not our mother language. Delivering the first draft is a process of laying down the foundation of a translation,which is a part of prime importance in the whole translating process. Thus,only when the first draft translators acquire a clear understanding of translation standards,can they have directions to work towards. Direction determines the path one takes. Only the right direction can lead to the success of translation.
作者 赵蓬蓬 ZHAO Pengpeng
出处 《译苑新谭》 2018年第1期36-41,共6页 New Perspectives in Translation Studies
关键词 原文的精神实质 原文的逻辑关系 译词的统一 译文整体的流畅 connotation of the original text internal relations of the original text wording unification fluency of translation
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