
黛力新治疗慢性偏头痛效果观察 被引量:1

Clinical effect of Deanxit in the treatment of Chronic Migraine
摘要 目的探讨黛力新在慢性偏头痛治疗中的临床价值及慢性偏头痛的规范化治疗的重要性。方法选择符合慢性偏头痛入选标准的83例患者随机分为黛力新组(黛力新+规范化治疗药物组,n=42)和普通组(规范化治疗药物组,n=41),规范化治疗包括急性期对症止痛治疗以及缓解期以西比灵为代表的预防治疗,分别记录治疗前及治疗后第2、4、6、8周末患者每周头痛发作次数、每次发作持续时间及疼痛程度,同时记录不良反应情况。用SPSS 17.0统计软件进行统计分析,根据情况分别进行t检验、χ~2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果两组治疗前后比较治疗总有效率比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),黛力新组8周末头痛发作次数、每日发作时间减少较普通组更为显著,头痛程度显著减轻,有效率优于普通组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。黛力新组出现头晕、口干、嗜睡等不良反应的发生率分别为7.1%,4.7%,2.4%,均可耐受,在用药1周内自行消失。结论规范化治疗慢性偏头痛是有效的,加用黛力新联合治疗可能具有更好的临床疗效,黛力新药物安全有效,其不良反应少见,且一般都能耐受。 Objective To observe the clinical effect of Deanxit in the treatment of Chronic Migraine,and to discuss the importance of treatment standardization. Methods 83 patients with chronic migraine collected from our hospital were randomly divided into Deanxit group(Deanxit + standard therapy)and control group(standard therapy). Standard therapy contain symptomatic therapy in acute stage and prevention therapy In remission. In 2, 4, 6, 8 weeks end follow-up, the occurrence of migraine was observed(attack frequency, intensity, time of onset, and ADR). Results Compare before treatment with After treatment, there were statistical significance in the improvement of migraine in both groups(P<0.05). After 8 weeks end of treatment,there was statistical significance in the improvement of migraine between Deanxit group and control group(P<0.05).Total effective rate of Deanxit group was higher than that of control group(P<0.05). Conclusions Standard therapy is important in the treatment of chronic migraine. Deanxit is effective in the treatment of chronic migraine withless ADR.
出处 《慢性病学杂志》 2016年第2期139-142,共4页 Chronic Pathematology Journal
关键词 慢性偏头痛 黛力新 规范化治疗 Chronic Migraine Deanxit Standard therapy
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