目的规范临床用药行为,为临床合理用药提供科学依据。方法随机抽取2013年9月至11月Ⅰ类切口手术患者病历资料164份,统计抗菌药物预防使用情况,并从适应证、药物选择、用法用量、预防用药时机、预防用药时间、联合用药等方面进行用药合理性评价。结果 164例Ⅰ类切口手术中,预防使用抗菌药物40例(24.39%);选用第1代头孢菌素29例(72.50%);术前0.5~2 h给药28例(70.00%);预防用药时间不超过24 h 26例(65.00%);评分合格以上(≥0.6分)137例(83.54%)。结论Ⅰ类切口手术预防使用抗菌药物的比例低于卫生部规定的指标,符合要求,但仍存在很多不合理现象,需引起高度重视,采取措施,以促进抗菌药物的合理使用。
Objective To investigate and analyze the prophylactic use situation of antibacterial drugs in typeⅠincision operation for standardizing the clinical medication behavior and to provide a scientific basis for rational drug use. Methods 164 cases of medical records of typeⅠincision operation were randomly extracted from September to November 2013 and performed the statistical analysis on the prophylactic use of antibacterial drugs and the evaluation in the aspects of the indications, drug selection, dosage and usage, timing and duration of prophylactic drug use, and combination medication. Results Among 164 cases of typeⅠincision operation, 40 cases ( 24. 39%) preventively used the antibacterial drugs, 29 cases ( 72. 50%) selected the first generation cephalosporin;28 cases ( 70. 00%) were administrated with medication within 0. 5-2 h before operation, 26 cases used the preventive bacterial drugs without exceeding 24 h;137 cases ( 83. 54%) had the evaluation scores more than qualification (≥0. 6 ) . Conclusion The proportion of prophylactic use of antibacterial agents for typeⅠincision operation in our hospital is lower than the indicator stipulated by the Ministry of Public Health and meets the requirement. But the unreasonable phenomena exist in many aspects, which needs to pay attention to and the measures should be adopted for promoting the rational use of antibacterial drugs.
China Pharmaceuticals
typeⅠ incision operation
antibacterial drugs
prophylactic use
rational use