主要介绍基于NI CompactRIO(Reconfigurable I/O)可编程自动化控制器的广播电视监测台站电能监测系统的设计原理、软硬件构成、系统功能。该系统具有对广电监测台的电力系统实现远程监控,自动完成市电与发电机供电的切换,任意时刻记录电力系统数据以及对故障点自动定位等功能,避免人为操作的危险性,提高了故障处置的时效性,方便了维护人员进行故障排除。
The article mainly introduces the design principle,software and hardware constitution and system function of the power monitoring system in radio and television monitoring station based on Compact RIO NI programmable automatic controller. The system of the power monitoring system can realize remote monitoring and automatically switch generating electricity to power supply,with any time power system data recording and fault automatic location and other functions so as to avoid the danger of manual operation. The system is convenient for the maintenance staff with trouble shooting and thus improving the fault disposal effectiveness.
China Digital Cable TV