当前高校贫困生问题比较突出 ,国家和高校都作出了积极的努力 ,采取多种有效资助措施 ,在一定程度上缓解了贫困生问题的压力 ,但贫困生资助工作还存在许多不足。为此 ,必须进一步完善国家助学贷款制度 ,激励和规范社会力量助学行为 ,积极拓展勤工助学市场 ,发展融资性公益事业 。
Despite the impressive efforts made by the state and the individual universities, the support system for the needy students is still not sufficient enough. Therefore, much needs to be done for improvement of loan program, encouragement and regulation of study-assistance activities by non-governmental units and development of work-study market, thus forming a sound support system for the needy students.
Meitan Higher Education