2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,教育成本补偿成为各国政府解决高等教育财政危机的首选之策。而我国城乡二元结构下贫富分化的社会现实 ,决定了通过增加学费来改善教育经费的空间是有限的 ,因而必须通过办学体制、投资体制和内部管理体制创新 ,改变单一的办学模式 ,采取多元化筹资方式 ,提高教育投资效益 ,在学费政策上寻求公平与效率的平衡点 。
Since the 1980's, the cost compensation of education has become a most-favored policy adopted by many countries in their efforts to overcome the financial crisis in higher education. However, the social reality of polarization between the rich and the needy within the binary mechanics of urban and rural areas presupposes that the room in which to raise educational funds by means of increasing tuitions is rather limited. Therefore, measures must be taken for development of fund-raising channels for an equity in tuition collection and a balance of efficiency in terms of arrangement of system and selection of policy.
Meitan Higher Education