

Analysis and Design of a New Circuit of Angle Transducer
摘要 本文介绍一种使用自整角机配以适当的电路元件实现将角位移转变为直流电压信号的电路。该电路可以消除用自整角机输出交流电压时的剩余电压,从而提高了测量精度。文中将电路的输出特性(伏一角特性)划分为两种工作区,讨论了负载对各工作区宽度的影响,提出自整角机及电路元件参数选择和计算的原则和方法。最后给出该变送器的设计举例。 A new circuit of angle transducer is described. It is a phase-in-verted rectifying and filtering circuit consisting of a selsyn, diodes, resistors andcapacitors etc. The transducer can change angle displacement into d. c. voltage. Thereis a relationship of sine function between d. c. voltage output and angle displace-ment input in every operating intervals. The main advantage of the transducer is thatit can eliminate the null-position voltage, which exists in the form of the residuala. c. voltage output in the case of using selsyn only, therefore the precision of themeasurement can be greatly improved. Besides, the circuit structure of the transdu-cer is simple. It is easy both in implementation and regulation. It is cheap in cost.In short, it is a simple, reliable, economical and practical angle transducer. In thispaper, the output characteristic (voltage-angle characteristic) of the circuit of angletransducer is theoretically analysed in detail and is studied by experiments. Quanti-tative relationships between output characteristic and parameters of the circuit areobtained, and simple and practical formulas for design are derived. For example,output characteristic is analysed and operating intervals are divided under the load-ed and non-loaded conditions. The load effects upon the range of operating inter-vals are discussed. The problems such as regulation of the transfer coefficient and'zero', extension and reduction of range, angle and voltage displacement of outputcharacteristic are also discussed. Therefore, output characteristic curve can be moved,extended and reduced along α-axis or U-axis on Decker coordinate plane. Consequ-ently, the transducer can be made to satisfy the design specifications presented bythe users. Based on theoretical and experimental study, principles of choosing circuitcomponents are presented according to the design formulas derived and the designdemands, and a new method of determining parameters of components by means ofthe calculation and the experiment is found. In the end, a d
作者 吕炳仁
机构地区 北京工业大学
出处 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS 1981年第4期33-41,共9页 Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
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