根据近 10年华北网高精度GPS复测资料、“中国地壳运动观测网络”GPS复测资料、山西断陷带的GPS资料等 ,分析了华北地区最近 10年来地壳水平运动状态与演化 ,结果表明 :①燕山构造带 (张渤带 )是华北地区水平应变最大的活动构造带 ,相邻块体的趋势性差异运动以燕山块体与华北平原块体之间为最大 ,约 2mm a(左旋 ) ;②华北地区周边差异性水平运动最显著的特征为该区西界中北段 (银川等活动构造带组成 )呈右旋走滑活动 ,南段以压性活动状态为主 ,该区北界西段的阴山断陷带以拉张活动为主 ,其它各界带的差异活动均不太明显 ;③从整体上看 ,每个时段的结果均有所不同 ,这其中除了误差因素外 ,可能还包含着运动的非线性成分。与此同时 ,文中也给出了华北各个块体、边界带不同时段的相对运动和应变结果。
The horizontal movement status and development of the earth's crust is analyzed based on high-precise GPS re-measurement data from the North China region, GPS re-measurement data of “CMONOC Project” and from Shanxi graben zone in the last ten years. It can be found from the results as follows: ① The Yanshan structure zone(Zhangjiakou-Bohai sea zone)seems to be the active structure zone where the strain is the largest. Movement between the Yanshan block and the North China plain block seem to be the largest tendency horizontal different movement between neighbor blocks, which is about 2mm/a (left-lateral). ② The most obvious divergent horizontal movement around North China are the dextral-slip movement of the middle and north segment of the west boundary in this area(which is consisted of the active structure zone such as the Yinchuan structure zone, etc). The south segment's movement seems to be mainly compressive activities while the movement of the Yinshan zone located in the western segment of the north boundary is mainly stretch movements. The divergent activities in the extra boundary zone are not so obvious. ③ On the whole, the results differ from different time intervals. Except for the error, the results may include the nonlinear factor of the movement. They are also listed that results of the relative movements among all the blocks and strain in all the blocks and border zone of North China in different time intervals.
Earthquake Research in China
物理基础及其应用研究>和<强地震短期预测的物理基础研究>(0 2 0 3 0 7)项目
North China region GPS Characteristics of horizontal movement