目的研究贵州及广州两血透中心维持性血透患者CKD-MBD的特点,并分析造成其差异的可能原因。方法收集2016年7月1日至2016年10月1日在中山大学附属第六医院(广州中心)及贵州省镇宁县人民医院(贵州中心)规律血透患者共57例,其中贵州中心25例,广州中心32例。分别记录其基本人口学资料、血管通路、抗凝剂、Kt/V、血钙、血磷、血PTH、血白蛋白、血碱性磷酸酶等指标,比较双中心血透患者上述指标的差别。结果两中心血透患者在年龄、性别、基础肾脏病、内瘘比例、抗凝剂、透析龄方面无差别。贵州中心校正钙(1.87±0.17 mmol/L vs 2.28±0.19 mmol/L,P<0.001)及血磷水平(1.45±0.49 mmol/L vs 2.19±0.66 mmol/L,P<0.001)低于广州中心;低钙血症比例高于广州中心(100%vs 12.5%,P<0.001),而广州中心高磷血症比例高于贵州中心(78.1%vs 20.0%,P<0.001),双中心在继发性甲旁亢发病率方面无差别(53.1%vs 68.0%,P=0.289)。结论高磷血症是广州中心血透患者CKD-MBD的主要特点,而低钙血症是贵州中心血透患者CKD-MBD的主要特点,上述钙磷代谢紊乱导致两中心继发性甲旁亢高发。
Objective To investigate the characteristics and differences in CKD-MBD parameters of maintained hemodialysis patients in Guangzhou and Guizhou residency. Methods The demography data and dialysis access, anti-coagulation, Kt/V, serum calcium, serum phosphorus, serum PTH, serum ALP, serum ALB and other parameters were collected from the patients in the Zhenning People's hospital(Guizhou center) and the sixth affiliated hospital of Sun Yet-Sen University(Guangzhou center) received the hemodialysis from 1, July, 2016 to 1, October, 2016. And the differences in the parameters between the two centers were analyzed. Results No difference was found in age,gender, kidney disease, anti-coagulation, dialysis access, vintage of dialysis. The serum corrected calcium(1.87 ±0.17 mmol/L vs 2.28±0.19 mmol/L, P <0.001) and serum phosphorus(1.45±0.49 mmol/L vs 2.19±0.66 mmol/L, P <0.001) were lower in the patients of Guizhou center,and the rate of hypocalcium was higher than that in the patients of Guangzhou center(100% vs 12.5%, P <0.001. However, the rate of hyperphosphatemia in the patients of Ghuangzhou Center was higher than that in the patients of Guizhou center(78.1% vs 20.0%, P <0.001). Furthermore, the rates of secondary hyperparathyroidism were similar in the two centers(53.1% vs 68.0%, P =0.289). Conclusions The hypocalcium was common in the patients of Guizhou center, and the hyperphosphatemia was frequent in the patients of Guangzhou center which resulted in the prevelence of SHPT in the two centers.
Clinical Medicine & Engineering
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism