传统多路串口数据采集设备受制于接口速率,无法满足大数据量的应用场合。利用串行通信总线PCI Express在带宽速率上的优势,以FPGA为实现平台,设计了一款多路串口采集设备,较传统设备在传输速率以及通道数量上有显著提升。设计将整个FPGA逻辑划分为四个部分,分别是UART通信模块、多路数据管理模块、基于DDR2的缓存模块和PCIe DMA传输模块。设计经过了Modelsim软件的功能级仿真与Spartan-6芯片的板级测试,验证结果表明,该设计的传输速率能达到180 Mbyte/s,各串口通道数据接收正常,能满足设计要求。
Due to the transfer rate of the interface,traditional multi-channel serial port data acquisition devices cannot meet the requirements of the application in large amount of data transmission. Taking advantages of the high bandwidth of PCI Express serial communication bus,a multi-channel serial data acquisition device is designed on FPGA platform. Compared with traditional devices,the new design has significant improvements in the number of channels and the transfer rate. The whole FPGA logic design is divided into four parts: UART communication module,multi-channel data management module,data buffer module based on DDR2 SDRAM and PCIe DMA transmission module. Functional simulation through Modelsim software and Spartan-6 board level test are done. The verification result shows that the transfer rate can reach 180 Mbyte / s and the data of each channel are normally received,which is able to meet the design requirements.
Instrumentation Technology