

Fit of Two Powers in Internal Governance of University: A Study on American Private Universities
摘要 大学内部行政权力与学术权力在两个向度上发挥作用——行政权力自上而下改善行政力量;学术权力通过学系演绎的学术治理机制,自下而上改善个体大学的学术力量。文章以2010年卡内基教学基金促进会基本分类中被列入"从事非常高级研究活动"之列和2010年《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》公布的全球前200位大学排行榜交集中的30所美国一流私立(非营利)研究型大学为研究对象,通过实证研究发现:大学内部行政权力与学术权力两类主体在提供办学所需的重要资源中具有不可替代性,这为两者的契合提供了基础。 Professionals in Higher Education dwell on the topic that academic power or executive power should dominate in institutional governance. Two types of power function in two directions. The executive power enhances the strength in a top-down way, while the academic power does so in a bottom-up way. The paper chooses 30 top private(non-profit) research universities in U.S.A., both classified as 'very high research' by Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and ranked as top 200 universities by Times Higher Education Supplement. The empirical study shows that it is the irreplaceable role the two types of power play in providing university the necessary resources that lay the foundation for their alliance.
作者 蒋惠玲
出处 《教育学术月刊》 北大核心 2015年第12期51-56,103,共7页 Education Research Monthly
关键词 学术权力 行政权力 大学内部治理 私立大学 Academic power executive power institutional governance private university
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