党的十六大提出的全面建设小康社会的目标 ,是一个更加强调各项事业和各方面要素全面、协调发展的社会发展进步目标 ,也将是人类有史以来最符合人的全面发展宗旨的社会境界 ;坚持经济建设和文化建设的同步发展 ,促进社会主义的物质文明、政治文明和精神文明的协调发展 ,实现人与社会、自然的和谐 ,是全面建设小康社会和促进人的全面发展的基本途径和本质要求。
The aim of building a well-off society in an all-round way embodies objectives of promoting harmonious development of humanily.The basic approaches and essential requirments for building a well-off society in an all-round way and promoting a well-off development of humanity is to reconcile the economic development with cultural construction to promote harmonious development of socialist material civilication,political civilication and sprirtual civilication for the harmonication of humanity with nature and society.
Journal of Huanggang Normal University