In the light of the regional differences within the Yangtze River Delta, it is revealed that the development of the Yangzhou-Nantong section is relatively weak in the north flank of the Yangtze River Delta. For acceleration of the development of this region, it is necessary to adjust the economic structure and the distribution of industries and attract foreign capital. Then, based on the favorable conditions for the construction of the Yangkou deep-water port, the positive effect of the port construction on the local economic development and its significance to the development of the marine economy of Jiangsu Province are discussed. It is also considered that the development of the port and industries may supplement each other. Besides, it is stressed that some ports in the Yangtze River Delta, which are still under construction, should cooperate with each other and develop in a rational order, vicious competitions should be avoided, and these ports should act as auxiliary ports to the Shanghai International Shipping Center. In this way, not only can the Shanghai Port be a large-scale hub in East Asia or even in the world, but also a harbor association of the largest scale all over the world can be formed in the Yangtze River Delta.
Water Resources Protection
Yangkou Port
Yangtze River Delta
harbour planing
marine economy