阐述铜坑矿火区下细脉带矿体开采的历史、井下火区控制的有效方法。提出在铜坑火区治理及细脉带矿体资源综合利用过程中 ,采用井下密闭、地表覆盖的方法隔断火区的供氧通路是控制乃至熄灭火源的最有效方法。矿体回采结束后 ,采取岩土覆盖 ,表土补平 ,充填泥浆治理方案。
The mining history and the mining environment control and improvement of vein ore body under the self ignition area in Tongkeng Mine of Liuzhou China Tin Group Co Ltd, Guangxi of China are described The most effective measure for cutting off the route of the oxygen to the firing is obturation in stope and blanket on the cover And the mined ore body is filled with the slurry, covered by the rock and soil
Nonferrous Metals