吉林省延边地区是唐朝渤海国的腹地 ,正确识别该地区的渤海遗存 ,对客观地、历史地恢复渤海国史的原貌是极为重要的。笔者根据多年的实地勘查和研究 ,对目前学术界多已认同的某些牡丹江上游的“渤海遗存”和图们江左岸的“高句丽遗存”
Being the hinterland of Bohai Kingdom in Tang Dynasty,Yanbian is very important for reappearing the history of Bohai by marking the Bohai relics in this area.According to investigation and some research work,the author gave some new opinion on the recognized Bohai Relics in the upper reaches of Mudanjiang and Kao-Kou-Li Relics by the left band of Tumen River.
Northern Cultural Relics