目的 :为了提高医学教育中的双语教学能力 ,本文通过组织医学专业教师参加英语自修学习小组 ,采取灵活多样的学习方式 ,有效地将外语学习与专业学习有机地结合起来 ,经过三年的努力试点实践 ,结果显示 :医学教师自我学习为主 ,组织集体学习为辅 ,外语学习与专业学习相结合 。
To study how to improve teacher's English level in medical education ,we managed to establish a sparetime English group of medical teachers in our college. We studied English in a flexible way,and combined the English learning with professional learning.More than three year's studying shows that it is an effective way to improve our teacher's ability to learn and study English ,and even more,it can enhance teacher 's quality of education and science research.
Heilongjiang Medicine and Pharmacy