港口是交通运输的枢纽,在我国社会主义建设事业中具有非常重要的作用,随着水上交通的发展,在我国的一些港口建立船舶交通管理系统是势在必行. 作者多年来一直从事交管系统的研究工作,通过大量的调查研究和理论探讨,寻找出我国港口交通的一些特点.本文提出一种符合我国国情的交通管理系统的建议,供航海界的同行参考.
Habour, the hub of transportation, plays a very important role in the socialist construction of China. Therefore, it is imperative to build up vessel traffic services (VTS) in some of the major Chinese habours along with the rapid development of shipping.
The authors who have been involving in the research work of VTS for many years found some features of the traffic in ports through a large number of investigation and theoretical study. In this way, they work out a draft of VTS in accordance with the typical Chinese conmditions for the reference of the friends in the circle of navigation.
Navigation of China