影响宁夏甜菜产质量的主要问题是土壤营养和病害。在宁夏每生产1t甜菜需施纯氮7.5Kg、纯磷5.5Kg,土壤中速效磷的含量与甜菜含糖率有直接关系。栽培方法不当会加重病害。目前宁夏甜菜的生产水平有三类:低水平的亩产1.5~2t,含糖率在12%以下;中等水平的亩产2.5~4t,含糖率为13~15%;高水平的亩产在4t以上,含糖率高于16%。本文阐述了在宁夏实现甜菜丰产高糖的栽培技术措施,包括:(1) 耕翻、整地、播种;(2) 田间管理;(3) 施肥;(4) 灌溉;(5) 防治病虫害。
The key problems influencing the yield and quality of sugarbeet in Ningxia were the soil nutrient and plant disease. The fertilizer requirement for producing one ton of sugarbeet in Ningxia was 7.5Kg net netrogen and 5.5Kg net phosphate. The content of quick—acting phosphate in the soil was directly correlated with the sugar content of sugarbeet. The uncorrect practice of cultivation may result in the heavier disease of plant. Now there are three classes of sugarbeet production level in Ningxia: the lower class is the yield of 1.5—2t/mu (one mu=1/15 hectare) and the sugar content under 12%, the middle one is the yield of 2.5—4t/mu and the sugar content from 13% to 15%, the higher one is above the yield of 4t/mu and the sugar content of 16%. The technics of cultivation on high yield and high sugar content of sugarbeet in Ningxia were described as following. (1) Plowing, soil preparation and sowing (2) field management (3) fertilizer application (4) irrigation (5) controlling disease and insect injury.