
秦岭川金丝猴一个群的社会结构 被引量:40

Social structure of a group of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana)in the Qinling Mountains of China
摘要 通过对秦岭山脉周至国家级自然保护区玉皇庙西梁群金丝猴进行人工投食 ( 10 8° 16′18″E ,33° 4 8′6 8″N) ,可以在距离猴子 0 5到 2 0米处进行观察并识别个体。依据空间、时间、行为的标准将它们划分为 8个一雄多雌社会单元 (One maleunit,OMU)。从 2 0 0 1年 10月 18日到 2 0 0 2年 4月 2 2日 ,73个观察日里有效记录 4 2 2小时 ,文字记录数据 (Datarecordedwithverbaldescriptions)和图式记录数据 (Datarecordedwithsketches)表明 ,从 2 0 0 1年 10月初到 2 0 0 2年 2月底投食群由 6 3只个体组成 :8个成年雄猴、 2 6个成年雌猴、 8个亚成年雌猴、13个青少年猴和 8个婴猴 ,OMU大小平均 7 9只 ,成年雄性∶成年雌性∶亚成年雌性∶青少年猴∶幼猴为 1∶ 3 3∶1∶ 1 6∶ 1;但春季 ( 3月~ 4月 )组成OMU的成年个体仍保持不变 ,而出现亚成年雌性、青少年猴、婴幼猴迁入的现象。此外 ,采用随机取样法记录在OMU之间的挑衅—屈服过程 ,共记录到 4 85次挑衅行为。对单元间优势指数的分析得出单元间存在线性等级结构 :黑头 >红点 >长毛 >秃头 >井字头 >断指 >中指 >八字头。连续跟踪观察最高等级单元的成年雄性黑头的社会行为 。 On the basis of provisioning and identifying individuals of a group of Sichuan snub nosed monkey ( Rhinopithecus roxellana ) in the north slope of the Qinling Mountains in Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve in Shaanxi, China (108° 16′18″E, 33° 48′68″N), we were able to identify each individual and observe the behaviors displayed by these monkeys between 0 5 and 20 meters away. In the 422 recording hours of 73 observing days, Data recorded with verbal descriptions and sketches revealed that this group was consisted of 8 one male units (OMU) from October 2001 to February 2002, 63 individuals in total: 8 adult males, 26 adult females, 8 sub adult females, 13 juveniles, and 8 infants. OMU size range from 7 to 12 individuals, the average number of unit’s members was 7 9. Adult males∶ adult females∶ sub adult females ∶ juveniles ∶ infants was 1 ∶ 3 3 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 6 ∶ 1 Due to mature individuals fixing and immature individuals immigrating, OMU’s size was increased in the spring (March and April in 2002). Ad libitum sampling was used to record the aggressive behavior and submissive behavior. Dominance index analysis showed a linear dominance ranking order existing among these units: HT>HD > CM > TT > JZT > DZ > ZZ> BZT. No leader male who leads and guards his group was founded in this group.
出处 《动物学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期727-735,共9页 ACTA ZOOLOGICA SINICA
基金 国家自然科学基金 (No .3 0 3 70 2 0 2 ) 美国圣地亚哥动物学会基金 陕西省自然科学基金 日本大幸基金资助~~
关键词 川金丝猴 社会结构 一雄多雌社会单元 个体识别 投食 优势指数 Sichuan snub nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana), Social structure, One male unit (OMU),Individual identification, Food provisioning, Dominance index
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