

On Sima Guang and Oyang Xiu′s Remarks about Feng Dao
摘要 五代时人冯道历仕五朝八帝 ,且位不离将相、三公三师。欧阳修、司马光以“正女不从二夫 ,忠臣不侍二君”为由 ,指斥其为“无廉耻”的“奸臣”。二人的看法有失客观公正。对处于五代这一特殊历史时期的人物不能简单地以侍奉了几个皇帝来定其忠奸 ,而应看其言行是否有益于百姓。 Feng Dao, living in Five Dynasties in the Chinese history, had served for eight emperors of the Five Dynasties as premier or minister. Oyang Xiu and Sima Guang condemned him as ' a treacherous court official' 'having no sense of shame' for they thought that ' a woman of virtue should not get married to two men and an official with loyalty should not serve two emperors'. This opinion is not all objective and fair. We cannot simply say whether a figure like Feng Dao in Five Dynasties was loyal or treacherous just because he had served several emperors. Instead, we should take into consideration whether his behavior had brought benefits to the people and the country.
作者 张冰
机构地区 成都理工大学
出处 《成都理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第2期69-71,共3页 Journal of Chengdu University of Technology:Social Sciences
关键词 冯道 欧阳修 司马光 忠奸 Feng Dao Oyang Xiu Sima Guang loyal treacherous
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  • 1司马光著..资治通鉴 第13卷[M].北京:中华书局,1956:20卷.
  • 2薛居正.旧五代史[M].北京:中华书局,1976.. 被引量:35
  • 3欧阳修.新五代史[M].北京:中华书局,1974.. 被引量:38



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