对“粉体工程”课程在教学内容上进行了改革、重新设计和安排 ,编写配套教材 ;在培养学生的能力上 ,加强实践教学环节的训练 ,并建立以实践为基础的学习成绩评价体系 ;教学方法和手段上 ,积极开展教学研究 ,制作多媒体课件等 ;促进了教学质量的提高 ;达到了完善知识结构 ,优化课程体系目的 ;经过多年的教学实践 ,取得了良好的教学效果。
The content of ‘powder engineering’ course has been reformed, redesigned and rearranged. And we have written many teaching materials about it. In order to improve practicing ability of students, the practice teaching has been strengthened. At the same time, the evaluation system was set up on basis of practice. Teaching study has been actively developed and kinds of teaching means have been used, including making multi-media courseware. Through the reform, the knowledge structure has been perfected and the system of courses has been optimized to promote the improvement of teaching quality. The teaching practice of many years shows that the reform has made the good teaching effect.
Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology:Natural Science Edition