20 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年我们在上海浦东国际机场对蝇类进行本底调查时 ,用手网共采集到溜蝇 12 2只 ,经鉴定有肖溜蝇 (Lispeassimilis)、双条溜蝇 (Lispebivittata)、吸溜蝇 (Lispeconsanguinea)、毛胫溜蝇 (Lispehirsutipes)、单毛溜蝇(Lispemonochaita)、东方溜蝇 (Lispeorientalis)、瘦须溜蝇 (Lispepygmaea)、四方斑溜蝇 (Lispetetrastigma)共 8种。据以往文献 ,上海地区仅记录 3种 ,即白点溜蝇 (Lispeleucospila)、东方溜蝇、瘦须溜蝇 ,上述其中 6种均为上海首次发现 ,四方斑溜蝇国内仅在台湾曾有发现 ,其两性尾器图均为首次记载。
specimens of Lispe were captured with hand-net during the investigation of flies at Shanghai Pudong International Airport from 2000 to 2002. According to identification, 8 species of Lispe were found. They are Lispe assimilis, Lispe bivittata, Lispe consanguinea, Lispe hirsutipes, Lispe monochaita, Lispe orientalis, Lispe pygmaea,and Lispe tetrastigma, among them there were only 3 species: Lispe leucospila,Lispe orientalis, Lispe pygmaea in the previous record of Shanghai area, the rest being recorded firstly in Shanghai. And in China, Lispe tetrastigma has been found only in Taiwan province before.
Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control