中国对台湾的行政管理至少始于明朝初期。清朝康熙年间 ,中国已在台湾“原住民”居住地区设置行政管理机构 ,开始涉及对台湾“原住民”事务的管理。从“夷”到“番”再到“山胞”的称谓变化 ,反映了中国中央政府或台湾当局使台湾“原住民”从“化外异族”变为“化内之民”的过程。而日本帝国主义在对台湾实行殖民统治期间 ,则把台湾“原住民”称作“蕃” ,后又改称为“高砂族”。“原住民”族称变化中隐含的政策变化 ,对 2 0世纪 80年代以后台湾的“原住民”运动、政治生态和“台独”势力 ,都产生了深刻的影响。以“山地平地化”为主轴的台湾“原住民”政策和试图使台湾“原住民”迅速走向汉化的政策意图 ,为 80年代以后兴起的“原住民运动”埋下了伏笔。
China's administration over Taiwan can be traced back at least to the early Ming Dynasty. During Emperor Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty, China established administrative organs in the areas where the Taiwan Residents ”indigenous people” lived and began to deal with their affairs. The ”indigenous people” were originally called ”Yi” (or foreigners), then ”Fan” (or alien people), and later on ”mountaineers”. The changing in the form of address reflected the process in which the central government of China or the Taiwan authorities tried to change the status of the Taiwan Residents ”indigenous people” from ”alien people” to ”inner people”. During its colonial rule in Taiwan, Japanese imperialism first called the Taiwan Residents ”indigenous people” as ”Fan” (or alien people), then as ”Gaosha”. The policy changing, which can be shown in the changes of the form of address of the ”indigenous people”, produced profound influence on the succeeding development after the 1980s, such as the ”indigenous people's movement”, the rise of the force for ”Taiwan independent” and the political ecology in Taiwan. The policies for the Taiwan Residents ”indigenous people”, which were characterized with the Han's influence, foreshadowed the rise of the ”indigenous people's movement” in the 1980s.
Ethno-National Studies