东坡词的产生有着深厚的哲学背景。东坡词既是苏轼“士以气为主”理论中“刚”、“大”、“正”主体内蕴的形象显现 ,同时也是其凌眇万物、挥斥八极之人格气度的文学外化。东坡“词心”澄澈旷远 ,体露出生生不已、往而有住、日趋日新的“近思”精神 ,其相对永恒和自由旷达的精神内蕴 ,在某种程度上也是其“性命自得”之说与实践理性精神的体现。东坡词“月白风清”境界烛理洞彻、超拔旷逸 ,体现出心性合一、自性与万象相融的超眇之美 ,从根本上说 ,也与苏轼“事理皆融”、“表里洞达”
Originally speaking, Su Shi's Ci poetry(SSC) had its philosophical background. On the one hand, the SSC was the visual and literary embodiment of his ideas that a person must be endowed with great courage and strength or nobility of purpose, especially in face of the law of nature and intolerable agony of life. Moreover, the SSC's mind is so pure and crystal, as a result of its philosophical and aesthetic inspiration, that it revealed the existence of eternality, infinite and transcendency about a human being's mind, will, and personality. To some extent, it originated from Su Shi's theory that the esquire should take things as they come and carry out in action. On the other hand, it is doubtless that there was an aesthetic feeling in the SSC's Yue bai feng qing's artistic ambit.It was so thorough, far reaching and extramundane that it was radically the embodiment of his theory that the esquire should expand his thinking ambit, apperceive the world by his own inlook in order to enter the condition of human being's will being the same as the universe.
Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition