目的 分析旋转对颈椎间孔形态的影响 ,并探讨其对临床工作的指导意义。方法 对 10名健康志愿者分别于颈椎中立位及旋转位利用多层螺旋CT进行自C3 椎体上缘至C7椎体下缘的横断面扫描 ,并在C3~ 4、C4~ 5、C5~ 6、C6~ 7椎间孔斜 45°的重建图像上测量椎间孔的上下径、上前后径、下前后径及截面面积 ,比较旋转时颈椎间孔形态的变化。结果 旋转时旋转侧颈椎间孔截面面积减小 ,对侧椎间孔截面面积增大 ,C3~ 4椎间孔面积变化率与C3 、C4间旋转角度亦存在相关性。结论 旋转可影响颈椎间孔的形态 ,且其相互间存在一定的相关性。此结果对颈椎病 ,尤其是神经根型颈椎病的预防、诊断和治疗有临床指导意义。
Objective To examine the morphological changes in the cervical intervertebral foramen during axial rotation of cervical spine and explore its clinical significance for the diagnosis and treatment of cervical degenerative disease. Methods Ten healthy volunteers (5 male, 5 female) were subjected to transectional scan by multislice spiral computed tomography of cervical spine from the upper edge of C 3 vertebra to the lower edge of C 7 vertebra. On the 45 degree oblique reconstructions of C 3~4, C 4~5, C 5~6 and C 6~7 intervertebral foramina, four parameters were measured, including foraminal height, foraminal width (both superior and inferior), and cross-sectional area of the foramen. Statistic analyses were performed to examine the morphological changes in the cervical intervertebral foramen. Results It was found that the foraminal cross-sectional area was decreased on the side of rotation,and increased on the opposite side of rotation. Significant correlation was revealed between the variation rate of the C 3~4 intervertebral foramen cross-sectional area and the rotational degree between C 3 and C 4. Conclusion Morphologic changes were found in the cervical intervertebral foramen due to axial rotation. The correlation between the cross-sectional foraminal areas with the degrees of rotation of the vertebrae was statistically significant. The results of the test have the clinical significance on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the cervical degenerative diseases, especially of the radiculopathy.
Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Cervical intervertebral foramen
Axial rotation
Multislice spiral computed tomography