目的 使用酶联免疫吸附法 (ELISA)、硒标免疫层析法 (Determine)及免疫印迹法 (WB)对 14 3例血清标本做初筛及确认试验。 方法 操作及结果判断按照《全国艾滋病检测技术规范》施行。 结果 14 3例初筛试验阳性经免疫印迹试验确认 14 1例HIV -1阳性 ,且条带出现百分率gp12 0 、p66为 10 0 % ,gp160 、gp41、p51、p3 4 、p55为 90 %以上 ,1例HIV -1合并 gp3 6出现。
Objective To study the role of ELISA , Determine and Western Blot Test in screening test and confirmation test on 143 serum specimens. Methods Operations and results were determined by National AIDS/HIV Test Technology Regulation. Result 141 HIV-1 positive specimens were confirmed by WB Test among 143 screening test positive specimens. There were gp 120 , p 66 reactive bands(100%),gp 160 ,gp 41 ,p 51 ,p 34 ,p 55 reactive bands (>90%), only 1 HIV-1 with gp36 reactive band among 141 specimens. Conclusion There were false positive results in the screening test and the results must be determined by confirmation test.
Practical Preventive Medicine