该文对东营市二级医院卫生人力状况进行了全面的调查 ,对其学历结构、职称结构、专业结构及年龄结构进行了系统分析 ,并在此基础上探讨卫生技术人员的开发与教育对策 ,提出了改进现有卫生人力状况和医学教育发展的思路 ,并对二级医院的卫生人力需要量进行了预测。
The paper investigated the health manpower status for secondary level hospitals in Dongying city. Analyzed the structure of educational level, professional position, speciality and age. Discussing the development and medical education policies for health technicians and putting forward changing the existing health manpower status. Predicting the requirement of health manpower for secondary level hospitals. Providing scientific reference for the medical education development in Dongying city.
Chinese Health Resources