目的 :分层分析比较头胸导联心电图 (头胸 ECG)和常规导联心电图 (常规 ECG)对冠心病的诊断价值。方法 :对 110例行选择性冠状动脉造影 (CAG)的疑诊冠心病患者 ,使用头胸导联心电图机和常规导联心电图机非同步记录头胸 ECG和常规 ECG图形 ,由专业人员盲法分析其结果 ,并对结果进行进一步的分层分析 ,评价二种方法对冠心病的诊断价值。结果 :头胸 ECG诊断冠心病的灵敏度、特异度和准确度分别为 72 % ,50 % ,69%。常规 ECG诊断冠心病的灵敏度、特异度和准确度分别为 45% ,43 % ,45%。头胸 ECG诊断冠心病的灵敏度、准确度均显著高于常规 ECG(均为 P<0 .0 1) ,二者诊断冠心病的特异度无显著性差异 (P>0 .0 5)。分层分析显示头胸 ECG及常规 ECG对冠心病诊断的灵敏度与冠状动脉病变的程度、范围显著相关 ,头胸 ECG对右室心肌缺血诊断优于常规 ECG。结论 :头胸 ECG诊断冠心病较常规
AIM: To compare the diagnostic value of head chest le ad electrocardio gram (HCECG) with that of Wilson lead electrocardiogram (WilsonECG) for coronar y heart d isease (CHD). METHODS: Morphological changes in HCECG and WilsonECG of 110 suspected CHD patien ts were recorded before they und erwent coronary angiography. The results were evaluated by specialists and furth e r analyzed by layer analysis. RESULTS:The sensitivity, specif ic ity and ac curacy of HCECG and WilsonECG were 72%,50%,69% and 45%,43% and 45% respectivel y ( P <0 01, P >0.05, P <0.01,respectively). The sensitivity and accura cy of HCECG were significantly higher than those of WilsonECG, but the differenc e in specificity betwee n them was not statistically significant. Layer analysis showed that the sensiti vit y of HCECG and WilsonECG were highly correlated to the extent and range of coro na ry lesion, and that HCECG was better than WilsonECG in detecting right ventricular ischemia. CONCLUSION:Compared with WilsonECG,HC ECG is a more valuable diagnostic method for CHD.
Chinese Heart Journal
head chest lead electrocardiography
Wilson lead electro cardiography
coronary disease