李伯重的新著《江南的早期工业化 (1 550— 1 850 )》从明清以来江南经济发展的“实情”出发 ,探讨江南早期工业化问题 ,对引起争议的“英国模式”、“江南道路”、“资本主义萌芽”、“过密化”等重大理论问题提出了自己的见解 ,并取得了相当的成功。李著的创新 ,并不在于引进新方法或刻意去标新立异 ,而主要是研究视角的调整与思维方式的更新 ,或对包括马克思主义在内的经典理论的再认识。这对于我们如何更加重视自身历史经验的独特价值和特殊性 ,建立中国史学研究的新典范 ,无疑具有深刻的启迪性。
In his new book Early Industrialization in the Area South of the Yangtze River (1550—1850) Li Bozhong started from the actual state of affairs of economic development south of the Yangtze during the Ming and Qing dynasties to inquire into the early industrialization in that region and successfully put forward his own views on a number of important controversial issues such as the “English model,” the “road in the area south of the Yangtze River,” the “seeds of capitalism” and “involution”. His innovation does not come from the introduction of new methodology or pursuit of the unconventional or unorthodox, but is rooted in his adjustment to the angle of looking at things, the renewal of his thinking and his re-understanding of the classic theories including Marxism. This gives us great enlightenment on how we take stock of the uniqueness of our own historical experience and build new modes of Chinese historiography.
Historical Research