采用实验法和结构访谈法 ,考察 66名 5~ 6岁儿童在幼儿园游戏活动中公平分配玩具行为的心理机制。结果发现 :( 1 )根据在幼儿园分配玩具的过程中的表现 ,可以把儿童分为三类 :公平型儿童、不公平型和不稳定型 ,每类儿童的自我评价各不相同 ;( 2 )对自己做出的公平行为能做出准确的自我评价 ,而且对假想的不公平行为也能做出正确的自我评价 ,这是形成稳定的公平行为的重要心理机制 ,自我概念、自我形象在道德准则的内化过程中起着重要作用。
The research is in intent to explore the psychological mechanism of fair distribution behavior upon toys in the play of indergarten children aged 5-6, on the basis of structured interview and expirical method. The participants are 66 elder kindergarten children. The finding is stated below: (1) the mode of behavior of the toy distribution is divided into three types, fair (20%), unfair (20%), unstable (60%). This implies that age 5-6 is a critical period for nurturing the behavior of collaboration, sharing\|with\|others, altruism; (2) the participants are able to make self\|evaluation accurately not only to the fair behavior conducted, but also the supposed, i.e.,avoid conducting the bad behavior in order not to affect sound self\|image, and thereby the psychological mechanism of stable fair behavior is taking the shape; (3) the internalization of morality in self\|concept and self\|image is valued much. The morality practices in activities therein evaluating self and others' behavior is an effective education measure for the promotion of internalization.
Psychological Development and Education
全国教育科学规划"十五"重点项目 (BEB0 1 0 468)