
胡塞尔时间分析中的“原意识”与“无意识”——兼论J.德里达对胡塞尔时间意识分析的批评 被引量:3

Proto-consciousness and Unconsciousness in Husserl’s Time-Analysis——A Concurrent Discussion about J. Derrida’s Critique of Husserl’s Analysis of Time-consciousness
摘要 Husserl’s intentionanalysis in the objectsphere has been regarded as successful ever since. But some scholars think that this intentionanalysis is not authentic for the non-objective spheres, e.g., those of emotion and unconsciousness. Others do not agree with them. This paper concentrates on this controversy, and attempts to answer the question by the revelation of the essential relations between proto-consciousness and unconsciousness, which has been seized by Husserl. The 1st section brings forward two concepts of the “proto-consciousness” in Husserl. The 2nd section discusses the position of one of the concepts of proto-consciousness, namely, the criticism of J. Derrida on Husserl’s “ metaphysics of presence”. The 3rd are extracted about which different concepts of the unconsciousness of Husserl’s mainconcept are emphasized. The 4th section as the forgotten, however still contributes background in the time-consciousness. The 5th section then deals with the relationship between proto-consciousness (proto-impression) and unconsciousness (background-consciousness), and with the degrees of the consciousness and unconsciousness. In the 6th section, the foundingrelation between the phenomenology of time-consciousness and phenomenology of genesis, as well as the according methods is taken into account, and it finally results at a general consideration and valuation on the method of the intentionanalysis and the principle of immediate intuition in Husserl’s phenomenology. Husserl’s intentionanalysis in the objectsphere has been regarded as successful ever since. But some scholars think that this intentionanalysis is not authentic for the non-objective spheres, e.g., those of emotion and unconsciousness. Others do not agree with them. This paper concentrates on this controversy, and attempts to answer the question by the revelation of the essential relations between proto-consciousness and unconsciousness, which has been seized by Husserl. The 1st section brings forward two concepts of the “proto-consciousness” in Husserl. The 2nd section discusses the position of one of the concepts of proto-consciousness, namely, the criticism of J. Derrida on Husserl’s “ metaphysics of presence”. The 3rd are extracted about which different concepts of the unconsciousness of Husserl’s mainconcept are emphasized. The 4th section as the forgotten, however still contributes background in the time-consciousness. The 5th section then deals with the relationship between proto-consciousness (proto-impression) and unconsciousness (background-consciousness), and with the degrees of the consciousness and unconsciousness. In the 6th section, the foundingrelation between the phenomenology of time-consciousness and phenomenology of genesis, as well as the according methods is taken into account, and it finally results at a general consideration and valuation on the method of the intentionanalysis and the principle of immediate intuition in Husserl’s phenomenology.
作者 倪梁康
机构地区 中山大学哲学系
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期70-79,共10页 Philosophical Research
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