《意大利遗事》是司汤达的一部短篇小说集 ,司汤达采用了无意识和意识流的表现手法 ,展示了人的行为动机和人格结构 ,在心理描写和分析上取得了相当高的成就。本文试图用弗洛伊德的精神分析理论来阐释其心理描写和分析的现代性 ,并指出欲望和本能才是所谓“意大利激情”和“力量”
Italian chronicles is a short story volume worked by St en dhal,he adopted some expressional techniques such as unconsciousness and stream of consciousness,presented the behavior motivation and personality construction of human being,he made great achievement in the field of psychological depiction and analysis.This paper attempts to explore the modernity of pychological depic t ion and analysis by Freud's psychoanalytical criticism,and it points out that de sire and instinct is the core of the so-called “Italian ardour”and “force”.
Training and Research-Journal of Hubei College of Education