目的通过优化的CT引导下穿刺活检技术联合17G同轴套管活检枪与传统的18G切割活检针旋转切割抽吸肺部亚厘米结节(sub-centimeter pulmonary nodules, sPN)方法及结果进行对比,探讨前者的应用技巧及两者在sPN穿刺中的阳性率、准确率、手术耗时及出血并发症等方面的差异。方法试验组:78例在CT引导下应用17G同轴套管活检枪联合优化的穿刺活检技术取得病理标本并获得病理结果。对照组:54例应用18G穿刺活检切割针及旋转切割负压抽吸穿刺活检技术并获得病理结果。计量资料采用t检验,计数资料采用χ~2检验。结果试验组中41例良性, 34例恶性,3例阴性。对照组16例为良性,22例恶性,无取得明确病理结果者16例。试验组平均完成时间(18.03±8.08) min较对照组(22.31±7.55)min缩短,试验组阳性率(96.15%)高于与对照组(70.37%),试验组出血发生率(26.92%)低于与对照组(35.18%),差异均有统计学意义(P=0.041,0.000,0.045)。结论应用优化的CT引导下穿刺活检技术联合同轴套管活检枪不但可以提高活检的阳性率及准确率,活检时间明显缩短,出血并发症明显减少。
Objective To compare the biopsy effect of combined use of 17 G coaxial biopsy gun and optimization of CT guided percutaneous biopsy technique with traditional 18 G application in the patients with sub-centimeter pulmonary nodules(sPN). Methods Study group: 78 cases of sPN were obtained by using 17 G coaxial biopsy gun and optimization of CT guided percutaneous biopsy technique and pathologically confirmed. Control group: 54 cases of pathological confirmed sPN were obtained by applying 18 G biopsy needle and rotary cutting aspiration biopsy. The comparison of categorical data was performed by using t test or Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test. The qualitative data were compared by chi-square test. Results There were 41 benign, 34 malignant and 3 negative cases in the study group and 16 benign, 22 malignant and 16 without pathological results cases in the control group. The average completion time in the study group(18.03±8.08) min is shorten than control group(22.31±7.55) min. Significant differences in the positive rate and the bleeding complications were found between the study group(96.15%, 26.92%) and the control group(70.37%, 35.18%)(P=0.041, 0.000, 0.045). Conclusion Combined use of coaxial tube biopsy gun and optimization of CT guided puncture biopsy technique to puncture the lung sub centimeter nodulescould increase the accuracy rate and the positive rate the biopsy and shorten the biopsy time.
SU Lei;DONG Junqiang;HU Lili;ZHOU Zhigang;GAO Jianbo(The Department of Radiology,The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450052,P.R.China)
Journal of Medical Imaging