目的 介绍一种具有较好外形及功能的乳头肥大缩小整形的新方法。方法 局部麻醉下按设计线切除肥大的乳头顶部多余的皮肤及皮下组织 ,注意不要伤及乳腺管 (特别是对未哺乳的患者 ) ,在皮下分离乳头基底部组织 ,对皮下组织肥厚者可切除部分皮下组织。结果 为 17例双侧乳头肥大者行乳头缩小整形术 ,均取得满意效果。结论 这种新方法可以使乳头肥大且两侧形态、大小各异的乳头缩小 ,形成符合美学标准的乳头 ,满足了患者的要求 ,并且愈合快、肿胀轻 ,不破坏乳头的感觉及血运 。
Objective We propose a new technique that can reduce any size hypertrophic nipple to normal and can produce excellent aesthetic as well as good functional results. Methods The skin and underlying tissue of hypertrophic nipple were excised according to mark after local anesthesia. Pay attention to preserve the ducts ( especially to the patients who hadn′t the experience of breast-feed). We also can excise the part of hypertrophic underlying tissue on the base of nipple. Results We had successfully performed the plastic operation for the 17 patients of hypertrophic nipple with the new technique. Conclusion We propose a new technique that can reduce any size hypertrophic nipple to normal and the method has the advantages of simple and less oedema, good sensation and lactation after operation.
Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery