对地遥感卫星任务仿真系统(Satellite Mission Simulation System,SMSS)能够模拟对地遥感卫星对地遥感探测的过程,为卫星研制人员提供了卫星设计指标的分析与验证平台。应用综合自然环境建模与仿真技术提高了系统对地观测背景仿真、平台仿真、相机仿真的逼真度和数据准确性进而提高了卫星平台与载荷设计指标分析结论的参考价值。研制人员利用SMSS可开展设计指标评估工作。不仅如此,在地面系统在轨测试的应用场景中,SMSS可支持用户完成星地对接测试、开展地面应用系统后续数据处理等环节的调试工作。
The Satellite Mission Simulation System(SMSS) is designed to help users to simulate the detecting process of remote-sensing satellite and it is an analysis&validation benchmark for the design objective of satellite.Synthetic Nature Environment(SNE) technique,which can improve simulation precision,is applied in the modeling process of observation background simulation,satellite platform simulation and payload simulation.It is convenient and fast for user to construct the simulation system based on specific parameters of payload and satellite platform.SMSS provide the service for users to evaluate the design targets.Not only that,but SMSS also provide service for ground application system for supporting the compatibility test between ground station and satellite and debugging the data-processing system in the on-obit test.
Journal of System Simulation