目的分析2013—2014年河南省甲型病毒性肝炎(甲肝)的流行病学特征,为全省甲肝防控工作提供依据。方法收集2013—2014年疾病监测信息报告管理系统、突发公共卫生事件报告系统'的甲肝疫情资料。结果 2013年河南省甲肝累计发病943例,2014年741例,病例主要分布在南阳市、驻马店市、信阳市,其中10~25岁发病最多,占23.57%;甲肝发病主要集中在农民、学生、散居儿童,发生在学生及幼托机构内的甲肝容易引起甲肝爆发。结论卫生部门应进一步加强甲肝监测,尤其是发生在学校和幼托机构等集体单位内的甲肝聚集病例,做好甲肝疫苗的基础免疫、突发事件的规范处置工作仍是河南省下一步甲肝防控工作的重点。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological features of hepatitis A in Henan Province from 2012 to2014, so as to provide the evidence for formulating the strategies of prevention and control. Methods The data from 'China information system for disease control and prevention' and 'Reporting system for public health emergencies' were collected and analyzed statistically. Results In Henan Province, there were 943 hepatitis A cases reported in 2013 and741 cases in 2014. They were focused in 3 cities(Nanyang, Zhumadian, Xinyang). The proportion of hepatitis A patients aged 10-25 years old was 23.57%, being higher than that of other age groups. These patients were focused in farmers, students and scattered children. Hepatitis A happening in schools and preschools was easy to raise outbreaks. Conclusion The health departments should strengthen the surveillance, prevention and control of hepatitis A, especially in schools and preschools.
Chinese Journal of School Doctor