

"Differentiation" and "Amalgamation" : Changes in the Relationship between Sociology and History since Modern Times
摘要 19世纪,社会学具有强烈的历史取向,历史学对社会学则兴趣匮乏。20世纪前半叶,历史学开始向社会学寻求合作,主流社会学却走向具象经验化研究。二战后,特别是20世纪60年代后,社会学界倡导"历史转向",历史取向的社会学研究得以再兴。同一时期,社会学取向的历史研究虽偶有波折,依旧方兴未艾。通过对学科关系史与相关理论的对读,我们发现:两门学科关系发展受制于学科组织关系;两门学科关系因各自学科研究目的、对象、方法而变化;两门学科关系受外部环境影响;两门学科关系被学科发展时序差所左右。四重逻辑并置导致了西方社会学与历史学百余年来的交异与融通。 In the 19 th century,sociology had a strong historical approach while history had little interest in sociology.In the first half of the 20 th century,history started to seek cooperation with sociology while the mainstream of sociology developed towards the concrete empirical study.After World War II,especially after the1960 s,sociology advocated'turn to history'.Sociological research with a historical approach was accordingly revived.Over the same period,the historical research with a social scientific approach remained in the ascendant,despite of occasional setbacks.By summarizing the developmental history of the relationship between sociology and history,we find that the relationship between them is enslaved to the organizational relationship of disciplines;they vary with the change of their respective research purposes,objects and methods,are affected by the changes in the external environment and swayed by the temporal difference of disciplinary development.The juxtaposition of quadruple logics has resulted in the differentiation and amalgamation of western sociology and history for over two centuries.
作者 王凛然 Wang Linran(School of History,Institute of Chinese Social History,Nankai University,Tianjin,300250)
出处 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2019年第3期39-50,共12页 Journal of Northwest Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 天津市哲学社会科学规划青年项目"新中国初期天津城市发展与社会变迁研究(1949-1957)"(项目编号:TJZLQN17-001) 南开大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目"天津城市社会变迁研究(1949-1986)"(项目编号:63192708)
关键词 社会学 历史学 学科发展史 学科组织关系 学科时序差 sociology history developmental history of disciplines organizational relationship between disciplines temporal difference of disciplines
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