我们的建筑施工企业面临加入WTO带来的冲击 ,一方面要正视自己的不足 ,另一方面也要充分利用难得的机遇 ,积极与国际接轨 ,尽早地融入国际化的竞争中去 ,企业才能够得到生存和发展。
With china's entry in the WTO, domestic building enterprise not only m ust realize the weaknesses, but should make good use of our advantages to catch up with the overseas fellows and get into international competitions earlier for survival and development also. In the article, the author proposes her own view s on following aspects: enterprise's reform; structure's adjustment, building of enterprise's management system, improvement of the ability in capital merge, te chnological innovation and staff's training.
Journal of Zhongzhou University