本文通过对典型事例的分析 ,指出在进行跨文化的国际交流活动中 ,援外技术管理人员要想圆满地完成所承担的任务 ,不仅要具备相应的专业技术能力 ,还要对异国文化具有敏感性和包容性 ,有良好的交际、沟通能力 ,能够主动、积极地从跨文化角度理解对方。
Cross-cultural communication research is an upd ate and novel field whi ch attracts more and more people's attention upon it recently. In this paper, th e author provides a typical case study in which barriers to effective transfer o f skills are indicated, suggests a framework for viewing the volunteers or profe ssional sojourners , considers in terms of effectiveness in transferring skills and the relevance of particular interpersonal communication skills to this goal.
Journal of Zhongzhou University