安全不仅是一种物质技术的状态和条件 ,而且也是一种社会现象和过程。安全是社会性的人的生存和发展需要。这种需要渗透在社会结构的各个层面 ,表现为安全的生产力属性、利益关系属性、社会生活属性、文化属性和政治属性。笔者分析了上述 5种安全社会属性的产生、内容、演化及其相互联系 ,提出对安全社会原理的若干看法。研究有关安全的社会现象、过程和规律 ,有利于认识安全工作的社会地位、作用、目标和社会调整机制 ,形成安全技术进步的动力和保障条件 ,对于当前社会实践和学科建设有重要意义。
The author considers that safety is not only a technique related substance and condition, but also a social phenomenon and process. Safety is the requirement for living and development of social human being. This requirement infiltrates into various levels of the social structure demonstrated as the attributes of productivity, interest relation, social life, culture and politics. After analyzing the emergence, content, and evolvement of above mentioned 5 social attributes of safety, some concepts of the social principle of safety are suggested. By studying the social phenomenon, process and regularity of safety, it would be beneficial to recognize social position, role, goal and social adjustment mechanism of the safety work, which in turn will become the power and assuring condition to promote the progress of safety technology, and would be significant in its social practice and construction of the discipline.
China Safety Science Journal