“现在,我郑重宣布,2003年度“金葵花”理财指数为58.68。”这是招商银行副行长李浩近期在上海金茂大厦举行的新闻发布会上宣布的。随着宣布声起,招商银行所策划和组织编制的“金葵花”中国都市高收入群体理财综合指数浮出水面。 “金葵花”理财指数针对 中置都市高收入群体 “金葵花”理财指数起源于招商银行推出的“金葵花”理财服务。一年前,为做好金融服务业务,招商银行推出了面向社会的“金葵花”理财服务业务。经过努力,截至2003年9月底,“金葵花”客户数已达4.1万户,占招商银行个人客户总数的0.14%,其客户存款达449亿元。
'Golden Sunflower' is the comprehensive index of money management made for the group people with high income in Chinese urban areas by China Merchants Bank, which purpose is to provide qualified products and services to a group of people with high payments in urban. It can describe the state of usage and management of the whole properties owned by the group of people with high income so that the forecast of macro economy social environment and total revenue and expenditure made by this group of people can also be reflected.
Modern Commercial Banking